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Health Care FSA

The Health Care FSA allows you to use tax-free dollars for eligible health care expenses that are not covered by insurance for you, your legal spouse and your eligible dependents. You can put up to the IRS annual maximum into the Health Care FSA each year.

Parking/Transportation FSA

The Parking/Transportation FSA allows you to use tax-free dollars for qualified mass transit and parking expenses related to your commute to and from work.

Dependent Care FSA

The Dependent Care FSA lets you use tax-free dollars, up to the IRS limit, to pay for child and elder day care costs incurred so you and your spouse may work or attend school full-time. Click Here for more information!

  • Enrollment Information

    If you've made your plan selections and are ready to enroll, click the button below for instructions on how to access our online enrollment system.

    Enroll Now
  • UnitedHealthcare App

    With the UnitedHealthCare mobile app, you have access to your health information from your phone.

    Learn More