Work From Home Stipend Employer Paid learn more
Bereavement Leave Employer Paid learn more
Pet Assure Employee Paid learn more
The Hartford Business Travel Employer Paid learn more
Legal Shield (Voluntary) Employee Paid learn more
Tickets at Work Employer Paid learn more
WeWork Employer Paid learn more
SoFi Employer Paid learn more
Cleo Employer Paid learn more

Work From Home Stipend

Legal Shield (Voluntary)

The Hartford Business Travel

Tickets at Work


Pet Assure

Work-from-Home Stipend

We offer a $55 per month (non-taxable) WFH (Work from home) stipend to help offset any internet and cell phone costs during our work-from-home period. WFH reimbursements are available to regular, full-time employees. For policy details and procedure, click the WFH Stipend Overview below.


Bereavement Leave

In efforts to better support team members during difficult times, we are introducing a Bereavement policy separate from FTO. The policy will allow you to take time off for your immediate and extended family members, close friends, and colleagues:

  • 20 days fully paid for immediate family members
  • 10 days fully paid for extended family members
  • 5 days fully paid for close friends/colleagues
  • 5 days fully paid for pet bereavement leave

Volunteer Time Off

The VTO policy will provide you with two (2) days off per year for volunteering activities.

  • Participate in our global Quarterly Cause initiative
  • Volunteer in your community!
  • Lend your expertise with pro-bono and skills-based volunteering
  • Participate in a mentorship program
  • Think out of the box!
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Pet Assure through Pet Benefit Solutions will save you hundreds on your pets’ healthcare every year by giving you access to quality veterinary care at a discounted rate. Pet Assure Members receive an instant 25% discount on all in-house medical services at participating veterinarians, including savings on wellness, sick and emergency care.



You have access to Travel Assistance Services through The Hartford which provides certain types of medical, legal and financial assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, when more than 100 miles away from home.

  • Member Services: 800.523.2233

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TicketsatWork offers exclusive discounts, special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels and much more.

  • Member Services: 800.331.6483

  • Website (company code: gumgumperks


WeWork logo

GumGum provides monthly WeWork passes to its U.S. team members to allow collaboration and in-person connections on business-related matters.

Full-time regular employees will receive a monthly pass which allows for 10 day uses and 20 credits per month.Team members will also be required to follow any vaccination policies set forth by GumGum. Please note: Only sign up for this program if you are truly anticipating using your WeWork pass, we will be monitoring usage regularly

Sign up for this perk by completing this form!


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GumGum has partnered with SoFi at Work to offer Student Loan Repayment Assistance benefits. We will make monthly contributions directed toward your student loan of choice through the SoFi at Work platform. Contributions are based on tenure as follows!


Employee Tenure Monthly Contibution
0-2 Years $50
2-4 Years $100
4+ Years $200


Employee Enrollment Video

Cleo logo

From fertility, to parenthood, to work and beyond – Cleo helps you balance your roles at home and at work.

The platform helps your family build a trusted relationship with your Cleo Guide, a certified in-house practitioner. Through telehealth and resources, you’ll have various programs available to balance your life.



  • Enrollment Information

    If you've made your plan selections and are ready to enroll, click the button below for instructions on how to access our online enrollment system.

    Enroll Now
  • UnitedHealthcare App

    With the UnitedHealthCare mobile app, you have access to your health information from your phone.

    Learn More